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b-hub monthly - September

This is the third in a series of monthly newsletters summarising updates to projects, blog posts and any tech news that has caught my interest. I have been away most of this month, so no new development but there are a couple of high-level articles I have managed to squeeze in.

Learning a New Skill (Tree)

In a previous post Learning a new skill, I reflected on my learning process and concluded there are two important aspects - setting a concrete goal and making sure you stay motivated enough to achieve it. In order to satisfy both aspects, it helps to know the steps in order to achieve the goal. This will give you a good idea of the effort involved and to set expectations. Trying to distil acquiring a skill into a set of steps is not uncommon to those familiar with skill trees in games. In this post, I try to formalise the progression in snowboarding, visualising it as a skill tree.

Learning a New Skill

I was recently asked, “How do you learn a new skill?”. It is not something I have really reflected on. Unfortunately, there is no “Ben’s ultimate step-by-step guide for learning a new skill” to draw from, but maybe there should be.

b-hub monthly - August

This is the second in a series of monthly newsletters summarising updates to projects, blog posts and any tech news that has caught my interest.

thumbsup Custom Theme & Metadata

This is how to integrate custom metadata into a thumbsup gallery and how I used the methods to include and display custom data in the faze gallery.

Introducing Faze Video

A new NuGet package has been added Faze.Rendering.Video.FFMPEG.

This package extends the faze pipeline to add video rendering! The pipeline can now be split up and iterated over in order to produce video frames. The frames are piped to an externally installed ffmpeg command, so no filling up directories with hundreds of images - just straight to video!

Faze Gallery Improvements

The faze gallery has been improved to give a better understanding of what the visualisation is representing. The change adds structure, tagging and a breakdown of the settings used to construct the image.

b-hub monthly - July

Welcome! This is the first in a series of monthly newsletters summarising updates to projects, blog posts and any tech news that has caught my interest.

GitHub pages with Jekyll

In this post I will take you through the steps I used for setting up this website using github pages and jekyll. There is plenty of documentation out there already, so I will give more of an overview of the process and how to resolve some issues I came across.